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Frontend Developer
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I am currently pursuing a Law degree (Staatsexamen) at Ruhr-Universität Bochum, where I discovered my passion for IT during the COVID-19 pandemic. Independently acquiring skills in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, I initially focused on integrating legal expertise with IT, emphasizing IT law and data protection. My professional journey began at VMRAY, a leading IT security company, where I collaborated with the development team in the legal department. Due to my keen interest, I was granted the opportunity to actively contribute to solving bugs and managing tickets. Insights gained at VMRAY led me to realize that the integration of law and IT alone doesn't align with my comprehensive career goals. As a strategic move, I am redirecting my professional trajectory towards the IT industry. Transitioning from Law (Staatsexamen) to a Bachelor of Laws next semester reflects a deliberate step in line with my long-term objectives. My focus in this phase is on expanding my skill set to become a versatile professional, including deepening my knowledge in the Front-End domain and acquiring targeted Back-End skills, particularly in Java. This diverse journey enables me to integrate various perspectives and develop unique solutions. On my website, I share not only my professional endeavors but also delve into personal projects and creative concepts. Explore more about my guiding principles, project methodologies, and enduring goals in information technology.
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